Getting Your Deck Area Ready for Summer

How To / September 29,2013

As the weather warms up it's time to ensure the barbecue is working and the back deck is ready for entertaining. Here are some practical tips to help get you started:

  • Spring clean - Once you get a nice sunny weekend, take all of the furniture off the deck and sweep the surface. Then spray a oxalic acid solution onto the deck to kill any microorganisms and restore its pH balance. Use a power-sprayer to remove the acid.
  • Look for any rotten planks that need replacing and give the whole deck a light sanding before using a sealant or semi-transparent stain to protect the wood until the next summer comes around.
  • Before putting your furniture back on the deck, consider what you will be using the space for and whether you may need to replace the furniture. To ensure barbecue smoke doesn't blow everyone on your guests, light your barbecue and see where the smoke travels, then place the furniture on the other side of the deck.
  • Purchase plants that work well in pots and will withstand the amount of sun your deck gets each day. This will add splashes of green and colour to your outdoor deck area.



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